If your baby is likely to measure in the longer length percentiles, you'll benefit from tall baby stuff, instead of the one-size-fits-all approach of most products. We found out the hard way.
It all started with a stroller. One day, we saw our 6'5" brother pushing his $299 travel system...from the side. It wasn't that the stroller handles weren't high enough. The problem was at the bottom. The wheel base stuck out too far for a tall man's long stride, and dear brother would kick his tall stroller bottom with every step!
So, as tall expectant parents, we wouldn't make that mistake. Oh no. We'd already found the tall maternity clothes. We'd be sure to get a truly tall stroller too. We suspected our baby might be long or "tall" but a stroller is all the tall baby stuff we'd need, right?
Unlike brother's, our little baby measured in the 90th percentile from week two, and he only got longer from there. None of the typical baby gear fit the same for our baby or for us. Loads of very popular baby products were wasted cash, or downright unsafe! So if this might become your story, read on, because you'll find helpful tips and baby product reviews to enhance your baby safety, and save money on useless items.
Even if you're only taller than 5'5", (most dads), the stroller section can help you, because umbrella strollers are designed for an average woman of just 5'4"! Even if you're just a little taller, they're frustrating.
Enjoy the baby stuff that works better for longer babies, and for you.
From infant car seats to baby strollers, baby slings to baby gliders, tall baby gates to other new baby gear, being tall makes a big difference!
As one example, many activity products say they're designed to work, from age 4 months, to up to 22 pounds. However, many tall 4 month olds, can be nearly 21 pounds! So enjoy that $100 exercise saucer...for two days. Or keep reading!
These are the best tips we've found for tall parents and tall infants. A little knowledge goes a long way toward saving lots of hassles, headaches and money. It helps keep your long and lean baby safer, too.
Who are we? A couple of fairly tall parents, with a VERY tall infant, who found ourselves sharing the info so often with friends, one said, "Put this online!"
Keep checking back at Tall Baby Stuff, because we add information regularly, and update our baby product reviews. You may find something new.
Most importantly, congratulations on your beautiful, longer than average baby!