The Best Internet Business Approach
for Work-At-Home Moms,
or Anyone Wanting A Home-Based Business.
Looking for the best internet business? As a new parent, (or not so new parent of a new, tall baby), you may be thinking about college funds or every other growing expense you're facing. We certainly were. And what started out as just a concept for sharing information, became a potential business as this website idea grew.
We have been delighted to use "Site Build It" as our web hosting program. After lots of research, it quickly became obvious this was the best internet business software of the many available to choose from.
At just $299 for the whole year - an SBI site is less than those $29 per month sites, and your SBI site includes so much more.
To work from home with your own website, you need
real expertise and help, not just web hosting.
If you are interested in building a website, perhaps to be a Work at Home Mom, or to increase your monthly income now that baby's here, you might consider your own website,
built with SBI.
To learn more, download a free pdf book, "the WHAM-IT! The Masters Course. It's a completely free overview of how the right web business can be perfect for a work-at-home-mom.
Download a free ebook masters course on work-at-home mom business.
As you might guess from all the products research on this tall baby stuff website, we really "go digging" for the whole picture, and for good information when we're trying to find a good product, or solution to a challenge. So it shouldn't surprise you that we went digging for the best website hosting and building system too. If you want the best, for making the best internet business approach to a website, SBI is it.
We scanned all the typical web hosting options. And of course, we started with the "Under $10 a Month" versions, with lovely templates and "easy" site-building design software. We could name them all - there are 50 to 100 you can easily find out there. They include the ones your friends use for their hobbies or blogs. They're the "Dogs" and the "Frogs" and the "i'this's" and the "EZ" that's, for $5-$15 a month.
Their offers usually include design templates or easy software, hosting and name registration, an email address or two or five, and perhaps a shopping cart for an extra fee.
So we researched all the options, started by comparing feature, and narrowed down some bargains. We did NOT want to become HTML designers, and wanted the potential for all business bells and whistles in the future.
What we learned is, if you have a Website Tonight, you don't have the best internet business, you've only got a website. You probably will have a very quickly built website that will never get any traffic or do anything for you.
It takes more than, "submitting to the search engines" to be listed with them. And it takes more than just being listed in search engines to be found by web surfers.
Soon enough, we stumbled upon Site Build It, (SBI), as a hosting option, and it looked incredibly different from all the bargain hosting programs out there. At first glance it seemed expensive, ($299/year?) and almost complicated because there were so many features. Thank goodness we dug deeper.
As we kept researching, it became clear SBI was far and above, the right website system, for creating the best internet business opportunity.
There are plenty of testimonials from real people, with real websites you can examine. The forums include real contact with them too, so you can hear why others choose SBI for an internet business that works. This video says it all:
All the other "fast and cheap" website options, (and we mean ALL of them), became more expensive than SBI as soon as you tacked on all the "add on" features at extra expense, which SBI already included. The SBI system also included all kinds of easy features that are not even available at any price with the other hosts.
With every single one of the alternative cheap and easy web hosts, you'd wind up with a pretty website, and nothing else. No traffic. And you don't have anything if you don't have visitors. SBI shows you how to get site visitors successfully.
With an SBI site, you build traffic, and the system includes all the tools to do it. It's just an extraordinary deal.
The best internet business choice is also one that's economical. And with this special offer, a home-based business website is super affordably priced. Keep one for yourself and gift the other, or give two, or keep both. You can launch a business...or TWO. And acquire an amazing new business skill for yourself at a great deal.
Click here to explore this approach and see if it isn't the best internet business approach for you and your needs.
Best of Luck in finding your best internet business!
Happy SBI'ers.
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