A Pram Stroller That's the Real Deal,
and Fairly Tall Too.
This pram stroller is as good as it gets. It's the classic, English, hand-made, gleaming prambulator!
For just under $3,000 it can be yours. And of course, it happens to be tall. The handles are high, the wheel base is away from kick range. Of course! So this is truly another tall option. Whether it's an option for your wallet is another story.
The Silver Cross stroller is magnificent. No, it doesn't fold. It doesn't collapse. It doesn't convert. It just strolls. Beautifully.
This pram is huge too. It's like a crib on wheels, the mattress is so spacious. Without a doubt, the gentle bounce of the spring in the steel wheels is probably very soothing and comfortable for baby.
Who needs one? The British Royal Family, apparently. And perhaps parents of twins, triplets or more, because one gorgeous pram stroller like this can hold all of the kids together.
While "test driving" this model, we heard two dads muse about THIS being the perfect stroller...the one they wanted...the one that would be most awesome! Perhaps folding it into a trunk wasn't an issue for them.
There is a second Silver Cross pram, the Kensington model, for around $1900, and this one does collapse for storage. However, the handles are about 2-3" lower, making not a great "tall" solution.
Of course, the little doll pram from Silver Cross is also available for your kids, in the neighborhood of $300 too. It's nearly as elegant, if miniature. But definitely...not tall.
Click through for current pricing details: Silver Cross Balmoral Pram - Navy
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